Discovering typeclasses in Scala

2017-11-30 ❖ by Roberto Bonvallet

This is a loose transcript of the talk about typeclasses I gave in a recent Santiago Scala Meetup. The talk was in Spanish but I decided to write this article in English, so be aware that many brilliant puns got lost in translation.

This is a list of integers:

val ns = List(33, 22, 66, 55, 11, 44)

And this is a function for computing the maximum value of such a list:

def maximum(ns: List[Int]): Int =
  ns match {
    case      Nil ⇒ ???      // Empty list: not implemented.
    case n :: Nil ⇒ n        // One element: that's the max.
    case n1 :: n2 :: rest ⇒  // Two or more: keep one of the first two and repeat.
      if (n1 < n2) maximum(n2 :: rest)
      else         maximum(n1 :: rest)

Does it work?

scala> maximum(ns)
res1: Int = 66

Yes, it does!

Although this function only accepts lists of integers, the algorithm is the same for any type that has a notion of a maximum. The only thing that’s Int-specific is the use of the < operator.

So let’s make this function generic. We want it to be polymorphic (so it works on different types) and typesafe (so it doesn’t just work on any type, with the compiler rejecting uses that don’t make sense).

Our goal will be to find the maximum of the following list of persons, whatever that may mean:

case class Date(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int)
case class Person(name: String, height: Int, birthDate: Date)

val ps: List[Person] = List(
  Person("Aaron", 180, Date(1985, 4, 15)),
  Person("Maria", 155, Date(1998, 9, 30)),
  Person("Zoila", 175, Date(1998, 8,  1))

The OO 101 way

We can define an abstract type for things that can be ordered and make Person implement it, let’s say by comparing people by their names.

trait Ordered[T] {
  def ?<?(that: T): Boolean

case class Person(name: String, height: Int, birthDate: Date) extends Ordered[Person] {
  def ?<?(that: Person) = <

Here I decided to name the comparison method ?<? to make it clear that it‘s not the same operator that we used for integers, but < would have worked equally fine.

Now maximum can accept anything that “is-an” ordered, and we indicate this by adding an upper bound to the type parameter T:

def maximum[T <: Ordered[T]](ts: List[T]): T =
  ts match {
    case      Nil ⇒ ???
    case t :: Nil ⇒ t
    case t1 :: t2 :: rest ⇒
      if (t1 ?<? t2) maximum(t2 :: rest)
      else           maximum(t1 :: rest)

And the maximum person is...

scala> maximum(ps).name
res2: String = Zoila

This is a reasonable approach in many situations, but it suffers from a couple of limitations.

First, we have forced persons to be ordered by name. A basketball recruiter probably would prefer to find the maximum person in terms of height, while a birthday party planner would rather find who has the maximum birthday date of the year.

(I’m just guessing what party planners care about, I’m sure I’m correct).

Second, our generic function relies on other developers extending our base type, and none of the code out there in the wild does. Some coder that wants to use our generic function on a type defined by someone else in an external library will have to resort to write some kind of adapter

We cannot even use this generic function directly on our original list of integers!

A functional solution

Let’s put on our lambda-shaped hat and make the comparison function a parameter of maximum:

def maximum[T](ts: List[T])(lessThan: (T, T) ⇒ Boolean): T =
  ts match {
    case      Nil ⇒ ???
    case t :: Nil ⇒ t
    case t1 :: t2 :: rest ⇒
      if (lessThan(t1, t2)) maximum(t2 :: rest)(lessThan)
      else                  maximum(t1 :: rest)(lessThan)

Now we can find out who’s the maximum by month of birth, a very typical sorting criterion in my hometown:

scala> maximum(ps){ (p1, p2) ⇒ p1.birthDate.month < p2.birthDate.month }.name
res3: String = Maria

We gained in flexibility but this is not necessarily convenient if we need more behaviour: nobody wants to pass ten functions as arguments. For example, a generic function that operates on numeric types may require many arguments in order to tell it how to add, substract, multiply, divide, etc.

So, let’s put the comparison function into an object so we have just one thing to pass around, with a couple of other inherited comparison operations so it doesn’t feel so lonely:

trait Ordering[T] {
  def lessThan   (t1: T, t2: T): Boolean
  def equal      (t1: T, t2: T): Boolean = !lessThan(t1, t2) && !greaterThan(t1, t2)
  def greaterThan(t1: T, t2: T): Boolean = lessThan(t2, t1)

// For you, my basketball recruiter pal
object PersonHeightOrdering extends Ordering[Person] {
  def lessThan(t1: Person, t2: Person) = t1.height < t2.height

Note that I renamed the base trait, since Person no longer “is-an” Ordered type but it rather “has-an” Ordering.

The maximum function now becomes:

def maximum[T](ts: List[T])(ordering: Ordering[T]): T =
  ts match {
    case      Nil ⇒ ???
    case t :: Nil ⇒ t
    case t1 :: t2 :: rest ⇒
      if (ordering.lessThan(t1, t2)) maximum(t2 :: rest)(ordering)
      else                           maximum(t1 :: rest)(ordering)

and we can find out who’s the tall guy by passing the right bag of functions:

scala> maximum(ps)(PersonHeightOrdering).name
res4: String = Aaron

We almost discovered typeclasses!

Typeclasses are an approach to polymorphism in which generic functions know what to do if there is evidence that the data satisfies some interface.

There is something like that in the last version of the maximum function: Ordering is the typeclass and the object we pass around is the evidence. We say that the object is an instance (or model) of the typeclass.

But that’s still not the real thing, because with actual typeclasses you don’t need to pass the evidence along. You simply use the operations and it Just Works™.

In Haskell, typeclasses are a language feature. In Scala, on the other hand, they are a pattern (also called “the concept pattern”) that is implemented using implicits.

To illustrate how it works, we can begin by making the ordering parameter implicit:

def maximum[T](ts: List[T])(implicit ordering: Ordering[T]): T =
  ts match {
    case      Nil ⇒ ???
    case t :: Nil ⇒ t
    case t1 :: t2 :: rest ⇒
      if (ordering.lessThan(t1, t2)) maximum(t2 :: rest)
      else                           maximum(t1 :: rest)

and then creating an instance:

object PersonNameOrdering extends Ordering[Person] {
  def lessThan(t1: Person, t2: Person) = <

which we’ll make the implicit ordering in this context:

implicit val ord = PersonNameOrdering

so we can just call maximum with no extra arguments:

scala> maximum(ps).name
res5: String = Zoila

But we have just swept the explicitness under the rug! The function still knows that it’s getting an Ordering instance. Scala provides a shortcut for not having to list the implicit parameter (making it doubly implicit, I guess), which is the context bound syntax:

def maximum[T : Ordering](ts: List[T]): T =
  ts match {
    case      Nil ⇒ ???
    case t :: Nil ⇒ t
    case t1 :: t2 :: rest ⇒
      if (implicitly[Ordering[T]].lessThan(t1, t2)) maximum(t2 :: rest)
      else                                          maximum(t1 :: rest)

The context-bounded type parameter [T : Ordering] states that there needs to be implicit evidence of Ordering[T] for the funcion to be used, but you may have already noticed that this still introduces an additional bit of ugliness: in order to be able to call the lessThan method, the instance needs to be summoned using implicitly[Ordering[T]].

The missing piece: a final touch of implicitness

To remove the remaining reference to the typeclass instance, what is usually done is creating an implicit class that wraps its methods:

implicit class OrderingOps[T : Ordering](t1: T) {
  val ordering = implicitly[Ordering[T]]
  def ?<?(t2: T) = ordering.lessThan   (t1, t2)
  def ?=?(t2: T) = ordering.equal      (t1, t2)
  def ?>?(t2: T) = ordering.greaterThan(t1, t2)

And this is the final maximum function:

def maximum[T : Ordering](ts: List[T]): T =
  ts match {
    case      Nil ⇒ ???
    case t :: Nil ⇒ t
    case t1 :: t2 :: rest ⇒
      if (t1 ?<? t2) maximum(t2 :: rest)
      else           maximum(t1 :: rest)

The thing to be delighted with is that it is basically the same as the maximum for ints! The only differences are the context bound [T : Ordering] (for typesafely demanding the evidence) and the use of ?<? for comparing (on my own whim, as < is just as good).

Why bother

So we finally know what are typeclasses in Scala, but not why would anyone care.

I will not go into details, but it is easy to see that their importance lies in the ability to retroactively extend types to satisfy a certain interface. This allows very generic libraries to exist, like Scalaz and Cats, by leveraging well-known abstractions such as monoids, functors, applicatives and monads.

This was me documenting my own path to understanding typeclasses from first principles. There are plenty of other tutorials out there for you to learn more. How to make ad-hoc polymorphism less ad hoc (the paper that introduced the idea) and Type Classes as Objects and Implicits (the “typeclasses in Scala” paper) are both readable and enlightening. Read them!

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